Wednesday 28 December 2016

19/12/16 - Complex Media shuts down print magazine after 14 years (29)

Complex Media, a New York media company founded in 2002, has announced plans to cease production of its bi-monthly print edition centred mainly around pop culture and the hip-hop genre, Complex Magazine. With the December 2016/January 2017 issue marking the last edition of the magazine, Complex has said in a statement to Billboard that this move was made as the company 'embarks on a rapid expansion of premium video creation across the company's networks and with a growing list of distribution partners.' With this of course comes with redundancies, with a number of staffers from the editorial department of the company making it clear that they had been laid off on Twitter, though Complex have not made clear the exact amount of these.
  • Verizon Communications Inc. and Hearst Corp. said they have agreed to acquire Complex Media, with the deal valuing Complex at $250 million to $300 million
This article just continues to chronicle this downfall that the print platform is going through. While it doesn't appear that Complex Magazine is necessarily doing badly as a print product, it seems that from an cost efficiency point, continuing to invest in it just doesn't make any sense. Something that should also be paid attention to is the fact that this move will be done as a way of 'reallocating certain positions to address its content needs' which funnily enough lie in the e-media platform. Again, this is representative of this 'death' that e-media is causing for print.

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