Sunday, 13 November 2016

NDM: News Values

NDM: News Values



To illustrate Galtung and Ruge's News Values, the factsheet uses the example of an article from The Guardian titled: 'British servicewoman dies after Afghanistan bomb blast.' The article is noted for having a strong sense of cultural proximity as well as intensity among over values.


Gatekeeping - process through which information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication.

  • Bias through selection and omission - editors not only have the choice of what news stories to publish or not, but also the information that gets included within them
  • Bias through placement - where stories are whether it be at the front page of the newspaper or the first story reported on TV have an impact on where the audience places its importance
  • Bias by headline - can be confusing as the large/bold font can convey a feeling that doesn't match up with the tone of the story
  • Bias by photos, captions and camera angles - certain photos for one, can dictate the way the public perceive certain news stories of either people or events
  • Bias through use of names and titles - certain labels that the news media give to people, places and events don't all the time, match up to how members of the public may feel them
  • Bias by choice of words - the connotations that words have can work to influence the way the public 'digest' a news story

Online sources have changed the way that news is selected and published in that they are more 'raw source(s).' This directly challenges this whole idea of gatekeeping in the sense that information is no longer filtered or mediated, and rather audiences receive news simply as it is whether it be from whisteblower sites such as WikiLeaks or bloggers.


A story from the last 12 months reported due to online technology was the WikiLeaks hacking of Hilary Clinton's emails. This involved the site publishing emails between both Hilary and her campaign chair, John Podesta, from her private email server.

  • This passage reveals that Sky view Twitter as being a news source for their own institution. It's clear that stories that they obtain from Twitter often get used and eventually become part of their news agenda.
  • It gets across that news nowadays is often produced by the people/the general public themselves before it's passed onto the institutions - citizen journalism
  • The audience have the role of determining the stories that make it to the news, to some extent, representative of the power that they have
  • This could be a problem for the standards as some of the stories that the public may deem as good news may be what journalists have dedicated their lives to produce particularly with things such as investigative journalism in mind

In my opinion, new digital media hasn't changed Galtung and Ruge's news values that much as the majority of them can still be applied to this such as continuity as well as familiarity. At the same time though, values such as unambiguity can be said to have been impacted in the sense that with news stories coming from citizens themselves, the clarity associated with them is often quite questionable as clear details regarding a story cannot always be gathered from them.
  • Immediacy - due to the connectivity of mobile devices, the speed at which we're able to get stories at is hugely increased since they're reported by people themselves (as recent as possible) e.g. Facebook Live
  • Negativity - negative stories now have more of a hold in stories heard today due to the reaction that they often incite amongst the people
  • Unambiguity - since stories tend to now be obtained from the public, their credibility can often be questionable and this is as a result of more people using their mobile devices to report these stories
  • Elite nations and people - as opinion leaders, news to do with celebrities and/or just popular figures in our society tend to get about on a more widespread level with the accounts they have on social media
  • Amplitude - this has been affected as with things like social media, in relation to the concept of an eco-chamber/eco-bubble, we get the perception that a lot of people are being affected by something when rather as a big event, it's them just reacting to it e.g. election of Donald Trump attracting comments by non-US citizens
  • Surprise - unexpected events such as again, the election of Donald Trump or even Brexit, have been proven to become popular on a particularly wide-scale across the public

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