Sunday, 18 September 2016

'Who are the major players in terms of news providers in the UK and what exactly do they own?'

'Who are the major players in terms of news providers in the UK and what exactly do they own?'

Quarterly reach of the leading 20 TV channels in the United Kingdom (UK) as of 1st quarter 2016

Monthly readership of UK newspapers and their websites from April 2015 to March 2016

(in terms of both print and online)

The Daily Mail newspaper is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust who managed into 2014 to obtain revenue worth £1.86BN in 2014 alone.

One of the more notable players in terms of UK newspapers though is Rupert Murdoch who owns The Sun, The Times, Sunday Times and previously News of the World. Owning News (Corp) UK, in 2014 it was reported that he owned a third of the UK market share for newspapers.

The impact of Google


Google has led to the decline of the newspaper industry in that they as the article put it, are 'siphoning off billions in advertising revenue.' With them doing this over the last decade or so, it's definitely evident with the company hitting $19 billion in ad revenue in the second quarter of this year, up 19% since 2015.


'Google critics note how much advertising money has disappeared from the newspaper business over the past decade or so — more than $40 billion, or about 60 percent of the ad revenue the industry generated at its peak in 2000, according to figures from the Newspaper Association of America — and they draw a direct line connecting that with the in advertising revenue that Google brings in every year from AdWords.'


The steepest decline in the graph is shown between 2005-2013. This is likely due to the increased prominence that mobile devices gained during this time, boosting the use of 'newspaper industry killers' like Google.


Personally, I believe that Google is in part to blame for the closing down of newspapers and job losses resulting from that. However it can't be said that the sole responsibility lies with them as they are not the only search engine using ad revenue that exist e.g. Yahoo. Not only this but the shift people made from newspaper to online can also be cited as a contributor here as without them/us in the first place choosing to make the jump, perhaps the newspaper industry wouldn't be at the disadvantage that it currently is now.


After having read this comment, you realise that it is true that Google has in fact benefitted many people whether it be journalists, writers or artists to be discovered who perhaps may never have been without it. So while it can't be said to have been entirely beneficial since it has undoubtedly 'killed' some outlets such as The Independent, it has given rise to a new wave of innovators.

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