- Good editing with use of text + images - kept me engaged
- Well structured but pace too fast
- Too fast, flashing images - distracting
- For level 4, the images should've been put on the side; not middle
- Simple and to the point but still eye catching, though text heavy
- Some found images but not enough
- Kept a consistent theme throughout
- Used Premiere Pro with good use of effects and image pop-ups to make me want to take in information
- Sound issues - silent!
- Should've used a video
- Additional info to class i.e dark web
- A range of interesting ideas presented + media terminology
- Lots of detailed info
Production values
- Good production values using skill set to pull potential but a shame sound didn't work
- Some flaws - pace too fast, not enough depth etc.
- For 47 seconds it was very easy to understand and see
- Good video overall Callum + Abayomi, aesthetically pleasing and a video that I learnt something new from
- Wells structured - some good ideas about the topic
- Lots of good information, balanced points
- Editing + creativity skills were very high
- Make sure all aspects of video are working
- More ambitious in terms of producton + address current issues
- Make text larger, slow down info
- Make the slides more longer